Methane emissions reduction – A report on international policy and technology insights for the Australian fossil fuel sector

IPCC AR6 report – what choices can Australia make now to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all?

Understanding the Implications of AEMO’s Unlocking CER Benefits Through Flexible Trading Rule Change Request
AEMO has requested a rule change to allow for more flexible connection and trading arrangements for Consumer Energy Resources to unlock greater value for consumers.

ACT regulation to prevent new gas connections
The ACT Government is seeking to regulate new natural gas connections as part of its broader commitment to becoming a net-zero emission city by 2045.

‘Accelerating and Irreversible’: Insights from AEMO’s 2022 Integrated System Plan
AEMO recently released the Final 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP), a whole of system plan which provides AEMO’s optimal development pathway for the National Electricity Market. AEMO has confirmed ‘Step Change’ as the most likely scenario.

A Record Quarter: Five observations from AEMO’s Quarterly Energy Dynamics (Quarter 1, 2022)
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) publishes its Quarterly Energy Dynamics report to provide the market with information regarding trends, outcomes and developments in the NEM, the WEM, and gas markets across the east and west coasts over the prior quarter

Gas Statement of Opportunities 2022: The Uncertain Future of Natural Gas in our Market
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) recently published its annual Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) for Australian jurisdictions other than Western Australia and the Northern Territory. This article summarises AEMO’s key messages and what they imply for the future of gas in our market.

DER Interoperability Standards
Regulators are only now grasping the full extent of the challenges and opportunities brought by the proliferation of DER, including the need for remote, dynamic device communication. Flowing on from this is the need for interoperability standards and a good governance model.

AEMO’s Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan
AEMO recently released the Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP), a whole of system plan which provides AEMO’s least cost development pathway for the National Electricity Market. AEMO has identified its ‘Step Change’ scenario as the most likely scenario.

AEMC Reviews the Regulatory Frameworks for Hydrogen and Renewable Gases
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published a Consultation Paper on the Review into Extending the Regulatory Frameworks to Hydrogen and Renewable Gases