Methane emissions reduction – A report on international policy and technology insights for the Australian fossil fuel sector

IPCC AR6 report – what choices can Australia make now to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all?

Understanding the Implications of AEMO’s Unlocking CER Benefits Through Flexible Trading Rule Change Request
AEMO has requested a rule change to allow for more flexible connection and trading arrangements for Consumer Energy Resources to unlock greater value for consumers.

ACT regulation to prevent new gas connections
The ACT Government is seeking to regulate new natural gas connections as part of its broader commitment to becoming a net-zero emission city by 2045.

DER Interoperability Standards
Regulators are only now grasping the full extent of the challenges and opportunities brought by the proliferation of DER, including the need for remote, dynamic device communication. Flowing on from this is the need for interoperability standards and a good governance model.

Final Recommendations for the Victorian Embedded Networks Review
The review addressed a commitment to ban embedded networks in new apartment buildings, and enable customers living in existing embedded networks to have the same protections and opportunities as other consumers.

REZ Access Rights and Scheme Design: Central-West Orana
Released in December 2021, the consultation paper sets out, and seeks feedback on, key design aspects of the NSW Government’s work to coordinate and encourage investment in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) under its Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.